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"Teaching the things concerning the kingdom of God..."



Part 8







            “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).


            “Because in Him were the all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible…all things through Him, and for Him, have been created, and Himself is before all, and the all things in Him have consisted” (Col. 1:16-17, Young’s Literal Translation).


            One of the great principles inherent in God, and manifested unvaryingly in His creation, is that God always produces everything from a “seed”.  God Himself was the original “seed” for He was before all things and “in Him all things have consisted.”  From the invisible energy and substance of His own being God has brought forth all the things that were and are made.  “All things” did not originally exist except as they existed invisibly in God.  Then came “in the beginning…”


            When a man holds an acorn in his hand, if he be a man of understanding and vision, he can see a great oak tree in that acorn with its towering trunk, broad branches, and verdant leaves.  The mighty oak is not yet visible and won’t be perhaps for many, many years, but nevertheless IT DOES EXIST.  It exists genetically IN THE ACORN!  Even so, in that glorious beginning, all things were contained invisibly within God and all that now is or shall ever be is even now embodied either in God Himself or in the creation that has been “birthed” out of Him. 


            I am sure you have heard the time-honored question, considered to be the prattle of foolish minds, Which came first — the chicken or the egg?  While we may not with certainty be able to answer that question, we do know that everything comes from something.  The thing from which another thing proceeds is the “seed,” irrespective of its appearance or dimensions.  We can know which was first — the tree or the seed — for we find in Genesis 1:11 this instructive declaration, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and  it was so.”  Notice!  “Let the earth bring forth grass…and the herbs…and the fruit tree.”  The words “bring forth” are from the Hebrew word dasha meaning “to spring up.”  It is used only three times in the entire Old Testament, and has this specific meaning in each case.  Since the grass and the trees all “sprang up” out from the earth or ground, it is clear that the seed preceded the trees even as the earth preceded the seed, and God preceded the earth!  Each in his own order becomes the “seed” out of which is produced the subsequent manifestation.  Every living thing originates from a seed, and in a more obscure and mysterious manner inanimate things as well.  You, as a human being, originated from the “seed” of your parents.  The earth was the “ovum and the breath of God was the “sperm,” the seed of the first man Adam.  From the bosom of Adam came Eve, the mother of all living, and from the seed of Adam and Eve the whole human race has been begotten as living souls, from seed to seed.


            When the farmer goes into his fields and sows the seed he is acting by faith — for by faith he “sees” the harvest to come.  He envisions acres upon acres of golden grain waving gently in the wind.  He anticipates the financial return from that harvest which represents his living for the coming year.  But how can the farmer be assured that there will be a harvest?  Because of the seed that has been planted in the earth!  The planting of the seed is a faith-action and the farmer knows that the harvest already exists — IN THE SEED.  He is assured of a harvest because of the seed and his action in relation to the seed.  He doesn’t yet see the harvest but he knows it will follow for he has the EVIDENCE of the harvest in the form of the seed.  He understands and knows that the harvest IS IN the seed!


            This brings us back to that revealing statement in Hebrews 11:1.  “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  This tells us that faith is EVIDENCE.  “Evidence” is translated from the Greek word elegchos which means “conviction; assurance.”  The word is so strong in the original that it carries the suggestion of influences operating to produce conviction based upon demonstration or proof.  Conviction based upon proof is not a rash, feebly-grounded hypothesis, a dream of hope or wishful thinking, but rather the embracing of a DEMONSTABLE FACT.  This kind of assurance is what either convicts or acquits a person in a court of law.  It is the evidence.  And that, my beloved, is what faith is!  Faith is a conviction, an assurance based upon proof.  Faith is the embracing of  a fact, a truth, a reality which exists invisibly but which in due time will be demonstrated visibly.  Faith is the evidence of things not seen, the absolute proof and conviction based upon that proof of things that do not yet appear.  It is indeed wonderful!


            Webster defines evidence as:  (1) the condition of being evident  (2) something that makes another thing evident, indication, sign  (3) something that tends to prove  (4) something presented before a court, as a statement of a witness, an object, etc., which bears on or establishes the point in  question.  Faith, the scripture affirms, is the evidence of things not seen.  This indicates that faith is the PROOF OF EXISTENCE, the very ESTABLISHMENT of things which have not as yet appeared.  Thus, faith is the seed from which springs the thing hoped for!  The unseen thing is contained in faith and must inevitably spring forth into manifest reality out of faith just as the farmer’s harvest is contained in the sown seed and must, in due time, spring forth into actuality from that seed.  Can we not see by this that faith is not only the substance of things hoped for, but the very evidence, or proof of existence, of those things not yet seen.  Without faith we can receive nothing, as a farmer without seed can have no harvest.  The full intent of our text is clearly and powerfully expressed in the Amplified Bible: “Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title-deed) of things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality — faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the (outward) senses.”


            Let us use a very natural illustration.  Take as an example the learning of a foreign language.  You wish to learn another language and furthermore have  confidence that you can accomplish it.  You enroll in a language school.  You are faced with a series of hieroglyphics in a book, you have a medley of sounds around, which mean absolutely nothing to you.  You know that it is a language which can be learned.  More than that, you have gone there to learn it, and believe that you can.  Now that is the first rung of the ladder of faith.  However weakly or waveringly you may proceed, you do believe in your deepest heart that you can and will get it.  Otherwise, obviously, you would neither spend the money, expend the time, or make the effort to learn it.  You plod on…and on.  Many a time courage fails, the mind is weary and the heart heavy, and you almost give up — but not quite.  To give up when faith is active is impossible!  So on you go at it.  Months pass.  It seems largely to go in one ear and out the other.  Then — the length of time depends on the difficulty of the language and the ability and industry of the pupil of course — a miracle seems to happen.  The day comes when, without you hardly realizing it, what you are seeking has found you; what you are trying to grasp has grasped you!  You just begin to automatically speak the language, to think it, to hear and understand it.  What was an incomprehensible jumble of sounds without, has become an ordered language within the mind.  That is the way of faith!  It takes what God gives — here a language — it believes that it can attain it.  It works at it by both maintaining faith and by the works that spring out of faith.  Then the day comes when through faith and through work (faith-work) the thing once not seen has become a reality.  You see, precious friend of mine, faith preceded the work.  The work was merely an extension of the faith.  Without faith there would have been no work!  The parable therefore teaches us the great truth that the seed producing the result is not work — it is FAITH!  You knew it could be done!  You knew it was true!  You knew God had promised!  You possessed the EVIDENCE…the assurance…the conviction…the proof…IN YOUR FAITH!  And so it came to pass…





            God is giving His apprehended ones a vision in this hour.  It is a vision of the perfected and matured body of Jesus Christ.  A vision of a firstfruits company of sons of God who shall attain unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of the firstborn Son of God, appropriating all the life, nature, character, victory, and accomplishment of the Christ in their very own lives.  A vision of sonship to God, and all the grandeur that relationship implies.  The image of Christ!  Perfection!  Victory!  Full  redemption!  Incorruptible life!  Divine fullness!  Authority!  Dominion!  The kingdom  of God!  Ah, the Lord has truly prepared great and mighty things for His elect, things which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man (I Cor. 2:9).  If God’s true people would only believe this one scripture with all their hearts they would know that nothing is impossible to them, and how greatly it would release the riches of heaven, and unlock the flood-gates of glory!  We know, of course, that Christians everywhere loudly profess to believe this, as well as the rest of the scriptures, but in actuality they do not believe it at all.  Yes, they will acknowledge that God has some great and mighty things prepared for us in the way of financial provision, healing, and various blessings, or better yet in that wonderful day when we get to some far-off heaven somewhere, but Paul declares that these unseen, unheard-of, and unthought-of things are even now “revealed…unto us BY THE SPIRIT,” Not by way of rapture or death.  Furthermore, these divine things are not golden streets and white night gowns in some celestial city beyond the milky way, nor are they temporal blessings upon the outer man, for Paul identifies them as “the DEEP THINGS OF GOD” (Vs. 10).  The things which God has prepared for them that love Him, those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, which neither have entered into the heart of man, are THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD REVEALED UNTO US BY THE SPIRIT!  Aren’t you glad!


            Let us, therefore, give all diligence to enter into the realm of the spirit, which realm constitutes the real heritage of the saints.  This realm of the spirit holds the fullness of Christ, and the kingdom of God.  Truly the heritage is ours for the possessing.  And if no man from the ascension of Christ until now has appropriated it fully, it still does not diminish it one iota.  The fact remains that there is a glory yet to be revealed, and there is an appointed day when Christ shall indeed come to be glorified IN HIS SAINTS and to be admired IN ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE IN THAT DAY.  Oh, yes!  And just how do we attain this?  “Only believe…”  “…glorified…and admired in all them that believe in that day.”  It is ours for conquest for we are even now receiving revelation of it by the Spirit.  The carnal church systems of man have rejected the possibility of possessing it in the here and now, that is true.  But church history is by no means the pattern of spiritual attainment.  CHRIST is the pattern!  We are the body of the resurrected, ascended, glorified, and enthroned Christ of God and we are admonished to “grow up into Him in all things” (Eph. 4:15).  Who can deny that “growing up into Him in all things” includes all that He is in the power of His resurrection, the  wonder of His ascension, the fullness of His glory, and the dominion of His enthronement. Again, it is not death or rapture that ushers us into such attainment, but it comes by “growing up INTO HIM!”


            God forbid that we should try to attain to the stature or experience of any man or any movement in church history, for they all fell short of the glory of the fullness of Christ.  None of them ever became aware of the groaning of all creation for deliverance from the bondage of corruption, or of the great truth that only the manifestation of the sons of God in the earth can effect such a glorious deliverance.  Paul tells us that we ourselves groan within ourselves for this manifestation of God’s sons.  God’s people throughout church history have prayed, groaned, and travailed for healing, for blessings, for revivals, for great avenues of ministry, for the rapture, but the one thing none of them has groaned and travailed for is the manifestation of the sons of God.  Many of these brought great blessings  to mankind, but not one of them ever delivered creation from the bondage of corruption. They formed movements, holy orders, organizations, denominations, and sent missionaries and held great evangelistic crusades, but none of them ever brought in the eternal order of the kingdom of God.  Most of them never aspired to, for the DEEP THINGS OF GOD WERE NOT REVEALED UNTO THEM BY THE SPIRIT.  They never entered into the REALM OF THE SPIRIT.  But!  Praise God, as the Spirit in this hour makes Christ real to us we receive the understanding of our true heritage — to be like Him, fully like Him, exactly like Him in the plenitude of all it means  to be a co-heir with Christ.  That is certainly something that eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has it ever even entered into the mind of the average Christian!   


            What glorious anticipation that the Father might see the fullness of His Son in the body of Christ and be satisfied.  This High Calling is not merely some distant hope to be realized, but it is a very present provision to be appropriated.  One of the most evident marks of immaturity and blindness in the popular churches is the act of relegating spiritual reality and attainment to either  the past or the future.  As those who have received the call to sonship in this blessed hour we could make that same mistake, failing to appropriate the fullness of Christ in our present walk with God, and waiting for that “some glad day after while” when God shall manifest His sons.  It will be said of the sons of God, just as it was said of righteous Able, and Enoch, and Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Joshua, and all the other heroes of faith — “BY FAITH the sons of God were manifested!”  “BY FAITH the sons of God delivered creation from the bondage of corruption!”  Oh, the mystery of it!


            Thank God for that inborn confidence  and assurance in the hearts of the apprehended ones that the “hour is come” for the unveiling of God’s son-company, that the eternal purposes of God in His called and separated elect are about to be fulfilled; that we now stand on the brink of Jordan prepared and ready to follow the ark of the covenant into a new experience IN CHRIST.  God’s purposes cannot miscarry.  He will have a people, even at the transition of the age, who shall believe their God and possess their possessions. 


            Let the saints of God who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand, rejoice in the purpose of God which even now is unfolding before our very eyes.  Let me assure you, and I believe I speak by the Spirit, that God is hastening the day and hour of perfection, fullness, and glory.  We do not have it, nor have we seen it in any person anywhere at any time.  For we are not speaking merely of a life made free from this particular sin, or that particular weakness, or the other particular bondage, from an uncontrollable temper, or a bitter spirit, or a lustful eye, or addictive habits, or sickness, disease, pain, or limitation.  I am speaking, rather, of a life which is the very life, nature, character, wisdom, ability, power, and glory of the exalted Jesus reproduced in the earthen vessel of this human experience.  Our prayer, therefore, should be as Jesus commanded, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth, even as it is in heaven.”  It is, first and foremost, the birth of the kingdom (rule) of God in our own little earth, the earth which we are, the clay of our flesh body, for truly “the kingdom of God is within you.”  This comes about by the perfecting unto maturity of the Christ who came into our hearts as the seed of the new creation man when we received Him as the Spirit.  It is the springing forth of the water of life into glorious liberty and spontaneity — even the water of life which we drank when the Christ came into our lives as the Spirit.  Jesus promised it would eventually become a fountain of water, a literal artesian well of water, leaping up into everlasting life (Jn. 4:14).  It is “Christ in you the hope of glory” rising up unto maturity and fullness, being “formed within you” (Gal. 4:19).  It is life of the incorruptible seed of the word of God bursting forth from within to consume every corruptible thing within us until the full power of incorruption reigns within us — spirit, soul, and body. 


            Christ Jesus, our glorious Head, has already entered in to this realm of incorruptible life, glory, and dominion — and if He has entered in it signifies that the way is open for others to follow.  “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek” (Heb. 6:19-20).  “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil” (Heb. 10:19-20).




            “For it was an act worthy of God…that He, for whose sake and by whom all things have their existence, in bringing many sons into glory, should make the Pioneer of their salvation perfect…” (Heb. 2:10).      


            Let us observe God’s method of bringing many sons to glory.  First, there is revelation.  Revelation is divine vision.  Divine vision evokes faith, faith produces reality.  Revelation, or divine vision, when first  given is much like a seed which must germinate, grow, and mature before it can be fully appreciated.  In observing this process let us consider three examples: Joseph, Abraham, and Paul.  At a point in their lives divine vision was given to each, yet the vision progressively developed into reality as the little acorn develops into the majestic oak.  In these three we see what God intends for each of His sons as they grow up into the fullness of God.


            In the life of each called and chosen son of God there must first of all be divine revelation.  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17).  Notice now that faith comes by HEARING THE WORD OF GOD.  Hearing with the spiritual ear the word of God bespeaks revelation.  Again, revelation is divine vision.  Divine vision is “seeing” with the spiritual eye the purpose of God — our inheritance in Christ.  This “hearing” and subsequent “seeing” evoke faith in our hearts to embrace the thing revealed.  And this faith springing from the vision is what keeps us from fainting along the arduous journey and enables us to unswervingly press toward divine fulfillment.


            It was in a dream that the young boy Joseph was given a bird’s-eye view of his future.  First he saw his eleven brothers as sheaves doing obeisance to his sheaf.  Again he saw his entire family represented by the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars doing obeisance to him.  What did all this mysterious symbolism mean to Joseph?  Only that it produced within him a faith to believe that the hand of God was upon his life; indeed, such a faith that with it he could afterwards endure all things when every external evidence pointed to the probability that his whole vision had been but the product of a childish presumption.  But while the external evidence of adverse and trying circumstances contradicted the revelation of God’s destiny in his life, yet Joseph possessed within himself the internal evidence of FAITH…faith kindled by the revelation of God.  Joseph never wavered…not in the pit, not in Egypt, not in Potiphar’s house, not in the dungeon, for he had seen a vision, and from that vision had come the faith to embrace it, so that within himself Joseph possessed the evidence — proof, conviction —  of those things not yet seen!  When Joseph, through suffering and testing, was brought to the throne of Egypt; when his brothers bowed in obeisance before him, he could then say of all the suffering and testings: God meant it for good.


            God appeared to Abram in the ancient city of Ur and called him out of his father’s house to go “unto a land that I will show thee.”  What could Abram actually see when God announced — like a harvest contained in a tiny seed — this fourfold vision that Abram should one day be a great nation, have a great name, be blessed, and through his Seed become the blessing of all the families of the earth?  Abram could see nothing in the natural but wanderings in a strange land with no inheritance therein.  But — the divine vision evoked FAITH — “…and Abraham believed God.”  He never wavered from the day he left Ur of the Chaldeans to the day he died.  The scripture says of him, “Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.  And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb,  HE STAGGERED NOT at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Rom. 4:18-20).  Long after Abraham was buried in the earth, HIS FAITH brought forth the harvest of that family which numbers as the stars of the sky and which shall yet, as kings and priests, bless all the families of the earth.  Oh, yes!  Abraham knew that that which was yet unseen was a reality.  He was convinced that the many nations already existed.  And they did — IN ABRAHAM’S FAITH!  He walked accordingly, never deviating from God’s promise.  Within himself he had the EVIDENCE, the proof.  He was not being presumptuous, nor was he fantasizing or speculating.  He knew.  His faith was the evidence of those things not yet seen!


            Then we come to Paul, and we remember the remarkable words given by the Lord to Paul that day  on the Damascus road.  Twenty-seven years later those words still seem to be most precious to Paul as he recounts  to King Agrippa how God appeared unto him for this purpose: “…to make thee a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee” (Acts 26:16).  “Whereupon…I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19).  Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended in Christ Jesus.  Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I PRESS TOWARD THE MARK FOR THE PRIZE OF THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS.  Let us therefore, as many as be perfect (mature), be thus minded” (Phil. 3:12-15).  You may condemn Paul as a failure in his effort to lay hold upon  the High Calling or Highest Calling of God, but it is my deep conviction that he shall stand in his lot in the day of the great unveiling of the sons of God…having apprehended that for which he also was apprehended by Christ Jesus.  Paul, like Abraham, did not stagger in unbelief but was strong in faith, never did he waver from his desire or effort to apprehend.  The LAW OF FAITH mandates his ultimate attaining!


            Paul knew that in spite of all the weakness and carnality in the church of his day that the Lord would, in the fullness of time, have a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.  He was fully convinced that the day would come when the true church would enter into their inheritance in Christ, and that through this church the cries of all the groaning creation would be answered.  The conditions in the church in Paul’s day contradicted his revelation of God’s plan to bring in the kingdom of God through a company of manifest sons.  There was so much carnality, sin, corruption, unbelief, false teaching, immaturity, and faithlessness!  As the new church age rolled on and men rose up in the church to manipulate and control the people of God for  their own purposes all the external evidence shouted aloud that Paul’s high vision was a failure.  But unrecognized by these ecclesiastics Paul possessed the internal evidence of faith evoked within himself by the incontrovertible word of God — the divine revelation the Lord of glory had given him!


            “Now faith is the evidence of things not seen.”  And while the glory of the early church faded away into the overshrouding gloom of Mystery Babylon and the Dark Ages, the seed was still lying buried in the earth and God’s purpose was destined to rise again in the end of days — at the consummation of the church age.  And today across this great land and around the world the Holy Ghost bears witness among the Spirit-anointed and Spirit-led saints of God that we have now come to that time!  For the first time in more than seventeen centuries Paul’s revelation of God’s ultimate intention in His people is being trumpeted around the world to the remnant of the Lord’s people through anointed ministry raised up by the Spirit of God.  From the dust of static creeds, empty ordinances, lifeless rituals, and religious tradition has risen a voice of truth and divine revelation.  This voice of the Lord prophesies to you and to all God’s called and separated elect that God’s sons shall soon appear on the scene in righteousness, power, authority, and great glory!  You may say that the conditions now existing among the Lord’s people are as altogether discouraging and hopeless as were the conditions within the church in Paul’s day.  As usual, the external evidence would indicate that.  May I remind you that external circumstances always dispute and challenge the revelation of God! 


            Thank God that there is a mighty army of people who are walking in FAITH in this great hour and they shall SEE the glory of the Lord covering the earth as the waters cover the sea!  This old world is soon to be shaken to its foundations by the greatest manifestation of God’s glory and power ever witnessed by mankind.  It shall come through the body of Jesus Christ.  I who write these words unto you, and tens of thousands of humble followers of the Lamb who have been quickened in Christ Jesus and raised up and made  to  sit  with Him in the heavenly places — we know because we have the EVIDENCE, the PROOF.  The proof lies IN OUR FAITH — the faith of the remnant of the Lord’s people who have begun to rise up into the realm of the Spirit and have received a fresh word from the Lord.  Our faith is the product of that revelation, the divine vision that has ravished our hearts.  It gives my heart much joy to know that revelation is divine vision, divine vision evokes faith, and faith produces reality!  These words are far  too potent and full of meaning to be passed over carelessly or lightly esteemed as a pleasing platitude.  In them lies the  omnipotent power of God and they usher us within  the gate through which we walk on our way to  the glories of sonship to God.  Faith is  the evidence of things not yet seen.  Faith is the seed of those very things.  That which is not yet seen develops from the seed.  God now has a people who see the potential within that seed!  All we shall ever be in God and His eternal kingdom is in that seed.  The faith raised up within us by the revelation of God is the seed, the evidence, the proof.  It is indeed wonderful!




            The scene is a house on a dark street in the suburbs of a city.  The time is 11:45 P.M.  A car pulls up slowly, noiselessly in front and parks by the curb.  A figure slips out from behind the wheel, walks up the walkway, rings the doorbell.  A slender young lady answers the door.  There is a brief conversation, after which the man pushes his way through the door.  The door closes behind him.  A few minutes later a muffled shot rings out in the night.  The man rushes out of the house, walks swiftly down the walkway, jumps into the car and speeds away into the darkness.  No one saw the car arrive.  No one saw it leave.  No one heard the sound of the shot.

            The next morning at 10:00 o’clock the young lady’s body is discovered in the living room by a girl friend who dropped by for coffee.  The police are called.  The coroner determines the time of death as approximately midnight, the night before.  The police find a small gray button on the carpet under a chair not far from the body.  There are tire tracts out front in the mud washed up on the street by a recent thunderstorm.  Two weeks later a gun is found in rubbish by a child playing on a vacant lot several blocks away.  The gun is turned in to the police. 


            In the meantime homicide is pursuing its investigation into the apparent murder.  They discover that two days before her death the girl had jilted her long-time boy friend.  The boy friend is taken in for questioning.  He insists that he was at home in bed and sound asleep at midnight on the night of the murder.  He hasn’t seen his former girl friend since two days before her death.  However, in time it is discovered that the gun found  in the vacant lot is the murder weapon.  The gun is traced to the boy friend.  His finger prints are on the weapon, together with only the finger prints of the little girl who found it.  The tire tracts correspond to the tire tread on his car.  The gray button is off one of his shirts.  The evidence mounts; the noose tightens.  The surveillance video at a nearby convenience store shows the boy friend pumping gas into his car at 11:00 P.M. on the night of the murder — two miles from the girl’s house and twenty miles from his own home.  He left the station driving east…toward her house..   


            Piece by piece the entire scene is reconstructed on the basis of evidence.  The evidence of the gun, car tracts, gas purchase, time of death, shirt button, the boy friend’s anger at being jilted, all eloquently tells the story.  Although no one witnessed the crime, all the facts are as plain as if someone had followed the murderer that fateful night and taken videos of his every move.  The evidence declares that he arrived at the girl’s house in his own vehicle at about 11:45 P.M. wearing a gray shirt.  The evidence shows that he entered the living room, stayed several minutes, shot the girl with his pistol, dumped the pistol in a vacant lot some blocks away, and returned home.  While no human eyes beheld any of these events, still the EVIDENCE REVEALS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!  By means of evidence law enforcement was able to correctly RE-CONSTRUCT the events in detail as they actually happened!  The evidence is the proof of what happened.


            I call to your remembrance that FAITH is EVIDENCE.  Faith is the EVIDENNCE of THINGS NO SEEN.  You will surely have noticed that faith is not the evidence of past events, as in the illustration above, not evidence of things that have happened, but rather, of things that SHALL HAPPEN right now or in the future!  Faith is the evidence of things not yet seen.  The evidence presented in a court of law, on the one hand, re-constructs past events, whereas faith, on the other hand, PRE-CONSTRUCTS future events!  Let it be firmly understood that faith is the product of revelation.  Revelation is divine vision, spiritual insight.  With the eye of faith we are enabled to see the plan of God, the purpose of God, the will of God.  With the eye of faith we behold what is before us, our destiny, our inheritance.  Faith at that point does not actually see the reality of these things, but faith pre-constructs that reality in the realm of the spirit.  And just as the evidence presented in a courtroom demonstrates and proves to the jury the facts of what has transpired, so faith demonstrates and proves to the spirit of the sons of God that which shall be in God — the reality to come.  Isn’t it wonderful!


            Glorious things are being pre-constructed in the hearts of many thousands of the Lord’s called and separated elect in this climatic hour.  None of us have yet visibly seen the things we behold by the eye of faith.  I know my blessed Jesus, and in the spirit I have seen Him.  But other than Him, upon this earth what fully manifested son of God have I ever seen?  What deliverance of all creation have I ever witnessed?  What salvation  of all mankind have I ever beheld?  What glory of God’s kingdom from pole to pole, and sea to sea, have I ever looked upon?  I’ve never seen any of these things, but faith is the evidence.  I’ve got the evidence!  I found the evidence, it’s within myself.  It is inscribed in my heart by the finger of the living God.  I testify to all who read these lines that we shall see all these things and things greater than these shall we see.  We shall see the salvation of God.  We shall see it and all flesh shall see it together.  We’ll see the Lamb on mount Zion and with Him 144,000 lambs — the sons of God.  We shall see the manchild caught up into the throne of God, ruling all nations with a rod of iron.  We shall see the many-membered body of Christ upon this earth (not in some far-off heaven somewhere) in all the fullness of the glory that He is and that He has.  I haven’t seen it yet.  But I’ve got the evidence.  I’ve got the proof.  The faith in my heart today is the evidence. I got it by walking with God in the cycle of His work in my life, and you, precious saint of God, received it the same way.  His word, His revelation to us has evoked the faith to believe for these things in this generation! 


            Certain investigations, we read, drew Madame Curie’s attention to the probability of another element, not yet known to science, in a material called pitchblend, a throwaway from certain Austrian mines.  The more she investigates, the more the conviction grows that there exists such an element.  Her fellow scientists scoff, seeing nothing of any value in  pitchblend.  But she believes!  In her mind it is there, although unseen, unknown.  So quietly, secretly, she and her husband put all the money they can spare into buying truckloads of pitchblend and having them brought to the hut at the back of their house.  There they labor, one year, two years, until one evening she calls her husband into their home-made laboratory, and there for the first time in history is seen the glowing tube of radium.  In 1903 the Curie’s received the Noble Prize for their work in discovering radium.  And now the whole world has seen radium shining from the luminous dials of watches and clocks.  Thousands of cancers have been killed with its X-rays.


            This is the way of faith!  By revelation, by divine insight faith SEES THAT WHICH IS INVISIBLE, UNKNOWN, believes, pursues, works, appropriates, staggers not, and in the end that which is unseen springs into visible reality                                                                                                                     


            This is the way into God’s abundant provision.  This is the way into the fullness of God.  This is path into the full stature of sonship to God.  Hear it!  Revelation is divine vision.  Divine vision evokes faith.  As we see and discern by the spirit the calling, the will, the  purpose, and the provision of God — faith is born.  In every case it is “seeing” that evokes faith.  Never, my beloved, seek faith.  You will never obtain faith merely by praying for it or seeking it.  Rather, let the principle by which faith operates be thoroughly known.  Don’t, I say again, seek faith.  Seek instead to be able to SEE BY THE SPIRIT what is the Father’s will, the Father’s purpose, the Father’s provision.  This will not come by flipping the pages in your Bible and studying all 3,573 promises found there — promises to fit every conceivable human need.  It comes by knowing Him!  It is by intimacy of fellowship and vital union with God that we are able to perceive His mind and know His heart.  This brings us to those deep things of God which are only revealed by the Spirit.  Once we have come into a knowledge of the Father’s will we automatically receive the dispensation of faith to fulfill it!  The great apostle Paul did not study the promises of God made to Moses, David, or Jeremiah to try to work up enough faith to receive what they received.  Oh, no!  Paul journeyed into the desert of Arabia and there waited, abiding in the presence of the Lord until he received a revelation of the will of God in his own life and then walked  in the faith that revelation supplied.  So must we!  As we walk in the faith that comes from personal revelation of the Spirit in our lives it is like the farmer who nourishes the seed in his field: he cultivates it, sprays insecticides to kill the bugs, irrigates, and in the end receives a harvest.  Nurture the revelation in your heart, born of the spirit, and in the end YOU TOO WILL HAVE YOUR HARVEST!  Great is the mystery!


            Saints of God — what do you SEE IN GOD?  Do you see the supply for your need?  Then stagger not, even when the vision tarries, but follow after.  Do you see strength and courage to lift you beyond your weakness?  Lay hold upon it!  Do you see the plan of God for your life?  Pursue it!  Do you see victory, maturity, and perfection?  Life and glory?  The kingdom of God on earth?  Spiritual reality?  Can you see a people without spot or wrinkle, that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?  Can you see the army of God’s sons for this new kingdom day, a great people, and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it; a fire devouring before them, like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains shall they leap; they shall run like mighty men, the earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: and the Lord shall utter His voice before His army: for His camp is very great: for He is strong that executeth His word.  Has the revelation of this ravished your heart?  If you can see it by the spirit PURSUE IT!  And, praise God, if you pursue it you shall SEE IT!


            There is a deep groaning and shaking going on within the hearts of many who are afraid to press on in the things they have dimly seen.  But, thank God, He is raising up a people in this hour who are afraid not to press on — even though what they have seen seems presently impossible.  But if we dare to be counted with the latter group we shall surely see the glory of the Lord in the day of the great Unveiling.



            “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord” (Ps. 27:13-14).


                                                                    STAGGER NOT


                                          God promised Abraham a son,

                                          But  Sarah laughed, and said, “It can’t be done.”

                                          “I am too old,” she said, “It is impossible.”

                                          But in due time a son was born!


                                         God said to Noah, “Go build an ark;

                                         all living things on earth will be destroyed.”

                                         The people laughed, and said, “It’s never rained before.”

                                         But in due time the ark did soar!


                                        The Red Sea lay right in their path,

                                        The enemy was pressing from behind —

                                        They were so desperate, they had no place to go,

                                        One step of faith — the sea did part!


                                       The sons of God are coming forth,

                                       The hordes of wickedness at them are hurled,

                                       The battle’s fierce and long — the enemy is strong,

                                       At His command…the battle’s won!


                                      So stagger not through unbelief,

                                      Be strong in faith, give God the praise!

                                      It looks impossible.  With God it’s possible…

                                      Have patience then, in God it’s done!


                                                                                       — author unknown




            J. PRESTON EBY




~ end of series





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Updated by Sharon Eby 11/02/2017 11:13:36 PM